1. What is a SKU?
SKU is a unit that manages inventory in the Qxpress distribution center and can be understood as a concept corresponding to product options on e-commerce sites. Smartship provides a function to manage SKUs in a similar concept to product management on e-commerce sites.
Classification of products
Registered products are divided into single products (single products) and option products (multi-option products) depending on whether options are included. A single product is a product itself that becomes one SKU, and an option product is a concept in which one or more options exist under a product, and each option becomes a SKU. In a multi-option product, the ‘product’ serves only to store information that each option has in common, and is not subject to inventory management.
2. Bulk registration method through excel
If you want to register a large number of products at once, you can register products in bulk by entering product information in a predefined Excel format and uploading a file.
The Excel upload function can be executed by selecting “Inventory > SKU Management” in the Smartship menu to enter the SKU management page, and then clicking the [Upload Excel] button on the top right of the screen.
Click the [Upload Excel] button to display the SKU registration pop-up window.
Download Excel Template
You can download the template to record product information in the upper right corner of the Excel upload pop-up window. There is a [Download CSV] button and [Download Excel] button. The CSV file is used only when more than 60,000 lines are required, and in general, the [Download Excel] button is used.
Fill out the template
Enter the information below in the downloaded template.
Detailed inventory option name: Enter the option name. For single products without options, you do not need to enter them.
SKU Seller Management Code: If there is a management code for each option managed by itself, enter it.
The order of each field in the template is important when uploading Excel. If you arbitrarily change the order of each column in Excel, it will not be registered correctly after uploading, so please keep the order of the fields as they are in the original form.
File upload and registration
Once you have completed creating your product data file, upload it to the system and start registering.
Click the [Select File] button on the right side of the pop-up. When the Find File dialog box is displayed, select the file you want to upload and click [OK].
When a file is selected, the result of analyzing the contents of the file is displayed at the bottom.
If required items are missing, they will be displayed in the ‘processing result’ area (yellow). If there are products missing required items, please edit the Excel file and click the [Select File] button again.
Please click the [Excel Upload] button. Click the Register button to complete information registration.
3. Register single product
If you use the edit function in the SKU management page of Smartship, you can directly register individual products one by one. In order to register a new product, the following information must be entered.
Title: 5 characters or more. After entering, click the [Check] button to check it.
Option type: Please select between ‘single product’ and ‘multi-option product’ depending on the availability of options. (You can also add options after registering as a single product.)
price: a numeric value greater than 0
Sales Site Item Page: Please register the URL of the product sold on the external shopping
If all required fields are entered correctly, the [Register] button will be activated. If the [Register] button is not activated, please check if the required fields are entered correctly.
If you enter an incorrect value for information such as price or URL, it will be treated as not entered.
The following information is an item that can be entered additionally.
Seller Defined Code: You can enter a seller code for matching with external sales sites.
Barcode: By entering the product barcode, you can quickly enter the standard specification information of the matching product.
Size (cm x cm x cm)
Manufacturer : Commonly applied to each option.
Brand: Commonly applied to each option.
Image: You can register up to 5 images.
Default Shipping Warehouse: When a fulfillment order is shipped, you can set a default shipping warehouse separately.
How to register product information
If you are editing another product, first click the [Initialize] button at the bottom of the form to switch to new registration status. You can register a product by entering the required information in the order below.
Enter the product name. After entering, click the [Check] button to check product name duplication. Product names cannot be duplicated with other products. If the product name is not duplicated,
will be displayed on the label, and the product name will not be changed.
When product name input and duplicate check are completed
Please enter the product price.
Please enter the URL of the product detail page.
Please click the [Register] button.
4. Register option
If you register a product directly on the SKU management page, it will be registered as a single product first by default. To register as a multi-option product with options, register the product first and then add options.
As a way to register options, single option registration, which registers individual options within a page, and the function of registering multiple options at once using the option generator are supported. The option generator helps you quickly create combination options and list options.
How to register a single option
When you register a product, a tab where you can edit product-related information is displayed at the top. Among them, click the [Options Management] tab.
You can see that it is registered as a ‘single option’.
You can register new options in the option management tab. If you have already selected an option, click the [Initialize] button displayed at the bottom to switch to the new option registration status and register it.
Please enter the option name.
Please enter a price. Only numbers greater than 0 can be entered.
If you enter the option name and price correctly, the [Register] button will be activated. Please click [Register] button.
How to Register Combination Options (Option Generator)
In the case of a product where options are divided by color and size, registering options one by one can be a cumbersome task. The SKU management function supports the “option generator” function so that these combination options can be registered easily and quickly.
After selecting the “Manage Product Options” tab, click the [Generate Options] button on the right under the tab.
The Options Generator pop-up screen will appear, as shown below. In the option generator, by entering option properties and each option value, a list of combined options is created and registered in batches.
Select “Option combination” in “Entering method”.
In ‘Attribute Name’, enter the attribute name that distinguishes options such as “color” and “size”.
In attribute value, enter the attribute value of each option, such as “Black”, “Red”, “Large”, etc., separated by commas.
Please click the [Register] button. Combining the entered information, all options are registered at once.
To speed up input, you can quickly switch to property value input by pressing the tab key after entering “attribute name”. After entering the attribute value, press the enter key to complete the input and you can directly enter the next property.
After the option generator registers options, the option list automatically refreshes to display the registered options. For option price information, the price registered in the product information is included as a default value, and can be modified on the option management screen if necessary.
List type option registration method (option generator)
You can quickly register options by entering the option names of multiple options at once in a simple list without combining each attribute.
Select “Enter manully” in ‘Entering method’.
Enter the option name. For quick input, you can type the enter key rather than clicking the [Add] button with the mouse.
If you click the [Register] button after entering the list of option names, the entered options are collectively registered.
The WISFARM Price displayed at the bottom of the product information and option information management screen is an area registered for cost management of products sold through the Wishfarm service of Qoo10 (excluding For merchants who do not participate in the campaign, this information is not used.
5. Edit options
Information of registered options can be edited. Option is the information under the product, and modifying the option information does not change the product information.
Option name: The option name is registered as text, so it can be changed at any time. However, option names cannot be duplicated within the same product.
Weight, barcode, size, material information and image information can be registered/changed for each option.
Merchant defined code is a value entered to match external sales channels and SKUs. Be careful not to overlap with other options.
“Option number” is the SKU no
QX product code is a code value that starts with TM*****, and is an item code used in the previous “Overseas shipping product management”.
Precautions when changing to a multi-option
If you add options to a single product, it changes to a multi-option product. At this time, if there is a “Seller’s definition code” registered for the product, the corresponding information will be deleted. The seller-defined code is information that connects the ordered product and inventory of the external sales channel, If the same Merchant Code is registered for different SKUs, there will be a problem that the order stock cannot be found correctly, resulting in a SKU association error in the fulfillment order.
Therefore, at the time of adding an option to a single product, the seller-defined code value registered in the product is deleted. For multi-option products, please use the Vendor Defined Code field in each option.
Change multiple option values at once
If you select multiple options at once in the ‘Manage Product Options’ tab, you can change the information of the selected options in bulk. Excluding values that cannot be duplicated, such as ‘option name’ or ‘seller-defined code’, information can be applied at once.
6. How to Register Seller Defined Code
In order to process and automatically ship orders from external sales channels in the fulfillment system, it is necessary to determine which products should be packaged and shipped for orders from external sales channels.
This information is basically found in the order information of the sales site. Most sales sites have items such as “Seller Code”, “Seller Product Code”, and “Seller Management Code” to enter a separate code when registering products/options. Here we will put hint information to find the SKU.
How to enter the SKU number of the Smartship as it is
How to insert a seller product code that is managed
This seller management code is entered in the product in the case of a single product, and in each option in the case of an optional product.
Example 1: Tmon's option management - “product management code”
Example 2: “Seller product number” in product management of Interpark
How to use SKU no. as is
If a separate management code is not used for the product, the SKU number can be used as it is for the management code in the sales site.
You can check the SKU number of each option directly in the ‘Manage product options’ tab in the SKU management page. “Option number” is the SKU number of each option.
The option number consists of product number (product number) followed by sequential numbers such as -00002 and -00003… If it is a single product, you can add -00001 at the end.
Select the product you want to know the SKU No. from the search grid
Select the ‘Product Information’ tab
Copy ‘Product Number’ and append ‘-00001’ to it.
Enter the SKU number obtained in this way in the Merchant Code field of Products and Options on the sales site.
In case of using a separate management code
If you use a separate management code, you will usually register your own management code in the product information on the sales site. In this case, please register the same management code for Smartship products and options.
For a single product, enter the same management code as the product on the sales site in the “Seller Defined Code” field in the “Product Information” tab.
In the case of option products, select an option in the “Manage Product Options” tab and enter the same management code as the product on the sales site in the “Seller Defined Code” of the option.
7. Products that are automatically registered
Smartship order linkage and product information
When a Smartship interlocks and imports an order from an external sales channel, it attempts to find the corresponding product among the products (SKUs) registered in the Smartship. If there is a corresponding product, the SKU is mapped to the imported order and recognized as a fulfillment order.
If a corresponding product cannot be found, it will be registered as a “smart shipping order”. When registering as a smart shipping order, the order product is created internally in the form of automatic registration in advance. An auto-registration product can be understood as an inactive SKU, which does not perform actual inventory management, but has some information pre-stored from previous order information.
When registering a new product, if you run a duplicate check on the product name, you will see a pop-up message saying “An auto-registered product has been found.” At this time, if you click the [Convert to a normal product] button, the product is converted to the information collected in advance.
When there is a previously linked product
Since it is a product registered through shopping site order linkage, price and shopping site URL information are automatically registered. However, options that have never been ordered will not be registered.
When converting an auto-registration product to a regular product, the required information is automatically filled in.
After converting auto-registered products and options to general products, SKU mapping becomes possible automatically for orders collected thereafter. (However, the product name/option name of the shopping site must not be changed.)
8. Warehouse and inventory information
In the ‘Warehouse and Inventory’ tab, you can check the quantity of each warehouse for the SKU and view the warehousing/shipping history.
Summary by page function
Stock in warehouse: You can check the warehouse and warehouse inventory status for each SKU.
Warehouse IN/OUT: You can adjust the inventory quantity of a specific warehouse. In the case of a private warehouse, the stock quantity changes immediately, and in the case of QX DPC, a warehousing request must be registered and the stock to be warehousing must be sent to the warehouse.
Stock In/Out History: Search the warehousing/delivering history of a specific SKU.
Stock by Expiration Date/Lot No.: Check the expiration date and quantity of inventory by time of receipt and by Lot in each warehouse.
Personal warehouse stock change
If you manage your inventory in your personal warehouse, you can edit your inventory by SKU in the ‘Incoming and outgoing processing’ area.
Select warehouse IN/OUT. Select ‘Warehouse IN’ to added your stock.
Select SKU.
Select Warehouse. You can only select private warehouses from the list.
Please enter the quantity in stock to be added or subtracted.
Click the [Change Stock] button to modify the inventory quantity of your personal warehouse.
Re-stocking to QFCs
If you looking for how to request to SKUs for re-stocking/first time stocking, there is a button provided on the SKU management screen. In the ‘Warehouse IN/OUT’ tab, click and select the SKU of the product you want to stock, and then select “Add this SKU to warehousing queue” in the “Warehouse IN/OUT” area.
Please click [Add this SKU to warehousing queue] button
A button is displayed.
The banner icon shows the number of SKUs that are planned to be added. Since this banner does not disappear even if you search for other products, select the product/option you want and add it to the warehousing request list. Click on the banner to make a stocking request for the added product.
Click on the Request warehouse In banner to display a list of selected SKUs.
Select a warehouse to store.
Click [Request warehouse in] button.
9. Sales site product information
The basic way to associate an external store order with a SKU is to use a “Seller Defined Code”. If you cannot use the seller-defined code, you can register SKU mapping information by directly entering the product code and option code of the external shopping mall.
This can be done in the “Sales Site” tab in the SKU management page.
Register information related to sales site products
Select an Sales Site and seller account for which API linkage is set.
Select an option (SKU) to link your product to.
Enter the Sales Site Item Name, Sales Site Item Code, Sales Site Option Code, and Sales Site Option of the Sales Site. (Option code and option name can be omitted if it is registered as a single product in an external shopping mall.)
Click the [Add] button to save information related to sales site products.
Orders collected after this information is registered will find the SKU including this information when mapping the SKU, so you can match the SKU without a separate SKU number or seller management code.
Inventory synchronization option
Inventory synchronization is available on smartships for some shopping malls.
This function displays only a portion (e.g., 80%, 50%) of the actual available inventory as product inventory on the sales site. This is an auxiliary function that minimizes the occurrence of overselling when products of the same SKU are sold simultaneously in multiple sales channels.
Inventory synchronization can be used when connected to some supported shopping malls, and the ratio to be used for inventory synchronization for each shopping mall is specified in “Shopping Mall API Settings”. Therefore, all items in stock on a shopping site are subject to the same percentage of inventory. However, if you have registered linked information for individual products, you can set a separate ratio for specific products only.
“Sales Site setting” means ‘the value specified in the shopping mall API setting’.
You can select the synchronization percentage from 100% to 10% in increments of 10%.
“Sales Site Inventory” is the value of “Available Stock for Sales Site” applied at the selected percentage.
10. Customs/Tax
The “Customs/Tax” tab is where you can enter information required for customs clearance and customs rate information. Depending on the country to which the product is shipped, you can register the required information.
Customs item title: The product name is basically the same as the customs clearance item name, but since some countries allow only English characters, English names can be entered if necessary.
Overseas trade code: You can enter transaction item codes such as NS/HSN | JAL.
Parcel tax code : Eneter parcel tax code (for china)
GST Rate: Enter the GST rate for goods shipped to India.
11. SKU sharing
In the “Sharing” tab, you can share your SKUs with other Smartship sellers and consign sales. If you share a SKU, the partner can register and sell the shared SKU as a product on an external sales site like their own SKU.
Shared SKUs can be a good strategy to sell your products on platforms or countries that you haven't entered yet without additional entry costs.
Prior consultation is required with the smartship manager before sharing the SKU to others.
SKU Shared Screen Description
You can search previously shared SKUs and shared partner information.
You can choose a new sharing partner.
Share individual products with other partners
Select all options for the selected product or just one option you would like to share.
After entering the smartship ID of the sharing partner, click the [Check] button to confirm that the information is correct.
Click the [Add a new sharing partner] button to share the selected SKU to that partner.
Share multiple products with other partners
You can share multiple products at once with different partners. If you share multiple products in bulk, all the options that belong to them will be shared.
Search products and check the products you want to share.
Enter partner information in the “Bulk Sharing of Products” area under the Bulk Edit Information area, and add a sharing partner. Partner registration is the same as adding a partner on an individual SKU.
Please enter partner's Smartship ID
Please click [Check]
Please click [Add a new sharing partner]
When shipping with a shared SKU, fulfillment costs are charged based on the Smartship account that actually made the shipment, not the SKU owner.
12. Register SET SKU
By using the registration function in Smart Ship's set product management page, you can register each SKU as one set SKU. To register a set SKU, you can only do so if you first registered the SKU on the SKU management page.
How to register SET SKU
Path : Inventory > Bundle Items
Click the [+Add SKU] button.
Click the [Search] button to retrieve the list of SKUs to be grouped into SET SKU.
Please select the individual SKUs you want to group into a SET SKU.
After completing SKU selection, click the [Close] button to close the window.
After checking the SKU to be bundled as SET SKU, click the [Register] button.
How to check SET SKU
Path : Inventory > Bundle Items
Click the [Search] button.
A list of registered SET SKUs will appear, and when clicked, details will be displayed at the bottom.
You can check the selected SET SKU information.
You can edit the information of the selected SET SKU.