
2. Handling Exchange Requests After Delivery Start

Arrange Return Delivery

Once the buyer requests to exchange the items, there will be a new count under Exchange. Please check the details and input the return delivery information.
If you have the tracking no. for return delivery, please input and click the [ Save Return Delivery ] button.
If you want to proceed the claim without return delivery, tick ‘Claim processing without return delivery’. Now you can accpet or reject the request directly.
If the return delivery information is input, the claim status will be changed to ‘Collecting Items’ .
If the buyer provides the return delivery information at the point of requesting claims, then new requests will be under ‘collecting items’ as well.
After receiving returned items, pleae finazlie the claims.

Finalizing Claims

If you would like to approve the exchange requests, then please input the exchange tracking no,, for new items to ship.
If you would like to reject, then select the reason and input the exchange tracking no. for the items to be returned to the buyer.
After your action of acceptance/decline, there will be a notification to the buyer via sales sites.