
Registration / Connect From QSM is a service of e-bay japan, and does not provide interlocked sign-up function. Sites that can be linked are Qoo10's family sites, excluding (, etc.)
If you are a seller selling products on the Qoo10 (Qoo10 Singapore, Qoo10 Global..) platform, you can sign up as a smartship member faster and more conveniently.
Information necessary for registration, such as email, address, and contact information, is linked from Qoo10, so there is no need to fill out a separate registration form.
The API for linking Qoo10 orders is automatically set.
Automatically set to use QX Smart Inventory in QSM.
Where to check the linked membership sign-up link in QSM
After logging in with QSM, select “Listing & Pricing > Option Managemnt > Qx Smart Inventory” menu.
Click the [Join Smartship] button at the top of the page.

Qoo10 - Join QX (create a new account)

If you click the Linked Sign-up button in QSM, the Smartship Linked Sign-up page will be displayed in a new window. You can create a new smartship account by following the steps below and link it with your Qoo10 merchant account.
Select “Create a new account” in the membership registration type.
Please check the box to agree to all items
After selecting the necessary items, the [Done] button is activated. Please click the [Done] button.
If you check the necessary items and select the [Done] button, linked subscription and basic service settings are automatically performed. When the service setup is complete, go to the smartship order management page.
If you use the interlocking subscription service, the following will be set automatically, and you will be able to interlock your orders immediately.
API for linking Qoo10 service is set up.
The Smartship ID is set to the Qoo10 seller's email address, and the email is automatically authenticated.
It is linked so that QX Smart Inventory can be used in QSM. (To use QX Smart Inventory, you must separately apply for fulfillment service and warehouse use in Smartship.)

When you have already a Smartship account

f you already have a SmartShip account registered with the same email address as the one registered in QSM, SmartShip will automatically guide you to link that account.
After authenticating by entering the password for your existing SmartShip account, your SmartShip account will be linked to your QSM seller account. Afterwards, you can easily log in to SmartShip using the linked connection from QSM.
If you have a SmartShip account registered with the same email as your QSM seller account, the option to link to an existing account will be automatically selected. If you don't want to use an existing account and prefer to register a new one, select [Do you want to create a new account?].
You can select an existing account from the list, or if it's not in the list, you can directly enter the login ID/email.
If you have multiple SmartShip accounts registered with the same email, you can select an account from the list. (If you registered a long time ago using an ID, you might have used the same email address for different IDs.) If you have a primary SmartShip account, please enter the password for that account.
If you've forgotten your password, please click the [Password Reset] button. An email containing a password reset link will be sent to the email address you selected/entered.
After entering your password, please click [Done].

Log in with linked account

If you want to log in on the smartship site using the linked smartship account, you will need your login ID and password. A password is not created during the linked sign-up process. Therefore, after setting a password using the password reset function, you can log in using a new password.
Login ID: E-mail address of the seller registered with QSM
Password: New password set through password reset
Even if the password of the Smartship account linked from QSM is initialized, the QSM password does not change. QSM and smartship are separate systems, and sensitive information such as passwords is not shared after interlocked subscription.